And He died in doing what he likes.
My deepest condolence to Marco Simoncelli's family, friends and team.
But for the past few days I have found myself contemplating on my life and how I’m using my energy and how I’m directing it. Are the things I’m doing getting me anywhere? Why is it that I procrastinate? Why is it that on most nights I go to bed even though I’m not even tired? It feels like I didn’t do anything at all while I was awake.
I want to feel productive,I want to feel awesome, I want to feel exhausted when my head hits the pillow at night. I want my hand to hurt after I write or draw, because that means I worked. I want my vision to blur when I’m working late at night, because that mean I saw, I observed as much as I could handle. I want my legs to feel sore when I wake up in the morning, because that means I went somewhere or had went out for sport or futsal that previous day, rather than sitting passively with no direction for my energy to flow.
I’m still relatively young(I'm 21 btw,==), so I don’t have my life journey set in stone, nor do the preliminary plans have any sense or coherence to them. But I believe that little by little, I will get where I want to be, and I’ll become who I want to become when direct my energy to everything and everyone I care for and about.
The whole “Dream as if you will live forever.Live like you’ll die today,” thing,was a chorus of a Japanese song that I listened the over day by One Ok Rock-chaosmyth. But after having these thoughts I woke up this morning and watched the video, listened to the song, and I love it. Everything little obstacle or fear seems so insignificant next to death. So why bother wasting energy worrying about it?
I think that cliche is actually starting to resonate within me. Just a little.How bout you?I hope our days will be just as fun as always like how we wanted everyday.
Dream as if you’ll live forever................and live as if you’ll die today.
Till the next post.
With you, I want …
to experience moments like this:
to take pictures together like these:
to spend time with each other at places like this:
to ride things like this, together:
to be your bestfriend and lover:
to grow old with you: