SPM~!!!is around the corner nw...2 more week....KAbbOM~!!SPM~!!lol..still hvnt prepare 4 some subjects yet....That is...science..math..akaun and sej...others i think i can manage it....(i hope)..well...doesnt matter...my aim 4 dis spm~!!...is at least 5 or 4 credits....so i can continue my studies in foundation in marketing...~~lol..doesnt matter...most importantly...muz STUDY 4 my science n math nw..akauN??nvm la....haha....
well...last week dat is....24th till 26th of october...i had join a camp..dat is...STUDY CAMP dat organize by the CHURCH OF GOOD SHEPARD dat near my house...with the THEME(SCOre A iS pOSSIble)...the camp was introduce by my keluarga ANGKAT~(lol..i dont knw hw dey call in english..nvm)..well...dey were the members of dat church...well...dey always care about me n my education...n since my spm is coming soon...so they intro me to the camp...n I joined after getting approvement from my parents...haha....not just me..even my classmates@ULTIMATE SEA VIEW CLUB MEMBERS oso join the camp...dat is RICKO SHIM and LEONG ANN CHIEH~....
WOOKAY~~arrive at the church at 1pm..and the camp will be start in halr hour...some campers had arrive thr...some sung siew students from other class oso joined the camp...but...most of the campers are YU YUAN students....and we quite get along wif dem....ok~~...the community shows us our room..n our room is situated on teh HIGHST FLOOR~~what the~~so damm high...and we had to climb up and down all day long to attended classes...
well....doesnt matter...thr is many classes we attented dat day...the subjects dat we studies is listed below
haha....n nw...below pics is the pictures dat i took dat day..wen we having studies....
loL....during the camp....we just ate chicken rice as dinner...lol...nt even enuf 4 us to eat la.....but FEAR NO MORE...thanks to yu yuan students brilliant IDEA~!!we had order ourselves a PIZAA...how??we just simply DIAL...pizza hot line...wat wat 2525 dat 1....n order....2 large pizza....and dat time...was 10pm...so we ate as SIU YEH~~hahah..
Classes still continue in the 2nd day...still is a rainy day....wae up at 5.3oam...after taking a freezingly cold bath n breakfast...we had free time untill 10pm..for dose who not taking add-math....left me,ricko,n Issac....3 person..having a free time...by doing our revision n sleep~~And we continue our classes from 10am till 4.30pm..non- stop...lol...sice is rainy day...we just played for about 10 mins basketball...den we get to washed up..and prepared for our YOUTH programme...and still the dinner are chicken rice again n not full again...DIS time we diecided to buy burger but in the end we bought roti canai instead...n we asked one of the community to buy for us..THANK YOU~!!!
we were also...quite having fun n enjoying during the youth~~we were...dancing...singing all day long....n we watched some preformance by the youth members...honestly....i was touched n enjoyed ny their preformance n drama...
ok...now..here is the part that* kik sui*after the youth....we had to continue or classes again at 9pm...lol....the subject taht we having dat time is BM n it was teached by my favourite teacher from my school...dat is MR.PATRICK LIM~~!!!who is also my English teacher....we were very learned so much from the teacher....so many answering strategies was teaches by him dat nite....UNTILL~!!!!!11.30pm~~!!!!the classes ended....and again..we had our SIU YEH again....ROTI CANAI~!!!!
wokkay.....after eating....we back to our room and prapare to sleep n we had to wake up early for atteding the sunday service of the church....but we diddnt...we continue to play...untill 3am...and in the end...we were FISHING during teh sunday service...hahaha...lol..in the sane time i had learned so many things and morals..from the service...
well....the camp was ended at 9am...after the service n i followed my KELUARGA ANGKAT....to go home....before dat we had our breakfast at mile 4 cos...that day...the camp didnt prepare any breakfast for us....haha....well..in the end..the STUDY CAMP was gone well...and i learned so much from it...in the same time..i get to study for my spm..and get to know new frens oso...hahaha....thanks 4 the community for taking care of us..and the church 4 orgainizing this camp for us to study for our spm...SCORING A IS POSSIBLE!!!!.TEE HEE!!!
bEloW is some pics of us dUring the camp...enJOY and thanks for rEadinG~~TEE HEE~~!!