On the last 21st of MARCH....our House Of English learning centre(H.O.E)...had a simple and nice and the 1st outdoor field trip to the Sepilok,the place of our ancestor living now....lol~well...21 students from H.O.E and some Interactors from every school AJK....had join the simple field trip...the trip was suppose to start at 9.30....but due to my car had some problem and cant start..Teacher Chia has to come to my hopuse ans start the car...but FAILED.....do in the end...I followed his car...nad Grace and Joyce was there too...below are the pictures that I had taken from the trip....
After the trip...we went for a lunch at Giant's Pizaa hut...
nice meal
After the meal...we sent all the students back to our centre....after some of the students backs....we interactors had a small game together with Teacher Chia....we had a nice WORD WAR game thr...and the punishment was so KIK SUI.....stand on the table and sing~lol
wanna to knw what are they looking at???? stay tuned for the nxt post~X
lol......then....all of us....went for a movie......and we watched....DRAGIN BALL :EVOLOUTION~ARGH~!!!...im quite a fan for the DRAgon BALL anime series....since I was a kid...and I was looking forward for this movie...but~....I quite dissapointed....for this movie....cos..i was nt JAPANESE....and all the story line was changed.....and the characters sucks...except chow yun fat~...lol....but overall....still ok la....I gv it..... 4 out of 10 marks.....
XD.....NEW PICTURES....will be posted for this post... stay tuned for more~....
1 comment:
Oh~ 叫佢食陽光空氣 Lalalalalala lalala.....wohoho~ 我話愛似係陳冠希 Edison: C-L-O-T!! 其實一直以黎我真係好傻日日工作嗌生嗌死為左佢去買Dior 佢話你咁先至愛我唔係名牌就唔好送俾我唔係Benz就唔好黎接我冇記者跟又邊個會影我陳冠希話呢d咁既女有冇搞X錯但係而家我女友真係一d都唔欏唔要銀紙唔要Dior 淨係想成日攬住我有緋聞既事佢唔會信蘋果佢唔會發火因我時間唔多愛情阻住用love is all 農夫話愛似我但我覺得愛似我顧住一個 Lalalalalala lalala.....wohoho~ 我話愛似係陳冠希 C-Kwan: 問 點至算係愛一個人又有幾多人問問問幾多愛情顧問都係明知顧問問乜問物唧問世間情是何物 你愛錯一個 唔愛你個一個點都好錯過愛 愛你個一個個個都想愛到要生要死但係同時愛死鏡入面個自己一間屋一張卡一齊擔一把遮 只要愛你既我遇上愛我既你愛似是陽光空氣 6Wing: 愛 你冇就期待愛 你有就求其對待 對得耐又想分開分開左先感概感慨冇幾耐 又再搵愛等愛 人等個一世一齊訓哈 定係一晚訓一陣話說阿劉華話有你有愛有情有天有地又要佢似陳冠希愛情邊有咁完美佢話愛似阿當同夏娃你話愛係話之你下話而家d o靚仔話愛係未結婚就做爸爸 Lalalalalala lalala.....wohoho~ 我話愛似係陳冠希 ==========================================
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