Thursday, September 15, 2011

Davis' room base (Sandakan)...a quick tour.


You can learn a lot about a person from what he/she keeps around their desk or the room that he/she keeps. Everything is in the details. You just have to look hard enough and of course know what you’re looking for. Here’s a personal look of my room(Sandakan) and the things that I have in close proximity to it.

A quick view of my room
3 beds.

My Gundam collections.......They need no introductions.

My Acer laptop, whenever I can I put APPLE MAC sticker over it…much better :)

My workstation. Small messy desk where I do my homework,designing new presents,building Gundams and place during my brainstorming session.

Place where I put all my school text books and test papers....
my 2nd working desk..=)

Thanks for checking out some photos of my room base.

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