sabah tour season has ended 2day...n all had bak 2 thier home....oni yond n keroro continue the tour with desmon at kudat...we call it....the ''sabah tour season 1:the lost episode ft desmon''haha...well...this morning i woke up at 4am...n sit down...n think wether want to go bak o nt....y?below is the main reason..
1)''goh dung'' lik a reunion dinner among family
2)no money
3) miss my family...n my dog
4)need th handle the interact party...
well...below here is the reason i dnt want to go bak
1)i wan go kudat
2)my fanily coming 4 vaction at kk again on 24th....n i had 2 follow~lol
well...nvm...afther a long thinking,.,,i decided 2 go bak...n telephone the bus department n book the ticket my cousin was surpriced n asked y i wan 1 wan go bak...ok la..actually i want go bak cos wan 2 gv my parents a suprice....cos i say i wont go bak n wait them thr... well..after a breakfast with ny cousins n my cousin sent me to thr catch my bus....
well...brfore i end tis post with the picturs...i would lik th thnak...
1)chester pang=for gving us a ride to avwhr...n spend us eat n play futsal
2)khoo=for borow money 4 us
3)est.m=for ajak me go watch moviw although we sit separately was a gud movie
4)my cousin...ah hen goh goh=for let us 2 stay at ur house...n gv us ride....we very thank you
5)and also thanks 2 all my frens 4 the was realy fun....
wookay....below is the pic....and a 1 video clip about giving my family suprice ....
well...arrive at sdk at 6pm...and waited untill 7pm to go homr to gv my family n my dog a big suprice...haha...below is the video clip...
well....all my family was so suprise dat dey start scold me....n pinch at leat my dog oso gt miss me la the end....I went back home happily ever ...after....the end...haha...TEE HEE~!!(NXT YEAR...SABAH TOUR"season2""coming soon on april)
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