Saturday, December 6, 2008

SPM oVER~!!!!


After a long war...with many papers dat made of cuted down trees....mY SPM HAS finnaly OVER~!!!!!for sure~!!!YAHOO~!!!!!whao~!!fell so relax....bUT~!!!u knw wat i m scaring nw?scare of the resulT~!!!!!walao e~...doesnt matter....must be many credits~!!!!o ya....i also wanted to thank to my families....parents...friends....n my tuition teacher~!!!without your support...there will be no me..~!!!!!THANKS~!!!!i will study hard ~!!!!!

wakaka...since im bored..n finished my paper...i just draw my exam a KENANGAN TERINDAH~!!!haha....i oso wan yo thanks to some examiner....dat had given chances 4 us to cheat and so much more....without dem..confirm DIE haha......below is some pic with the examiner...b4 we left our skool....
ULTIMATE SEA VIEW CLUB AJK.....take pic with the examiner that we HELPED US ALOT...

TAke pic with the one and only chinese examiner....and the most beautiful 1...muaks...walao....hahahah...

(this post will be re-update.....with more interesting picture...)wkakakak...

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