Thursday, January 21, 2010

my 2010 resolutions


New year celebration for 2010 has finally over and say good bye to our year 2009.People always say that since is a brand new year which mean,we are having a brand new start and we should have our new year resolutions to achieve our goal and to improve our self to to be a better person..

hmm.....I've been thinking...what are my new year resolutions anyway??

I have to t set myself a Goal and think realisticly for my new year's resolutions...since my thinking are always unrealistic I learned that I have to think properly for my resolutions.Many people give up because they “set their sights too high.” In making a New Year’s resolution, pick a goal that you can reasonably expect to attain, as we see in these examples of some unrealistic and realistic goals:

Unrealistic Goal for Davis: “I will read a good book.”

Realistic Goal for Davis: “I will examine the outsides of some good books, then waddle over to the part of the bookstore where they sell pastries.” zZz

To succeed we have to think positively, we must believe in ourself. Write this motivational statement in large letters on a piece of paper and tape it someplace where you will see it often, such as on the inside of your eyeglasses.for example:

“I CAN do it, and I WILL do it! I will FOCUS ON MY STUDIES. Starting now!”

WE MUST LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES.Mistakes always happen in our life,we have to learn from mistakes to improve ourself and be a better man or to do things in a better way.There is no use if we doesn't learn from mistakes...

mistakes that always done by DAVIS:''watching porn in living room and get caught by mom''

after learned from mistakes,DAVIS:''watch porn in his bedroom with earphones and close the door.''

(above are just examples and it never happened before..TEE HEE)

And below will be my new year's resolution for the year 2010

  1. Improve my time management
  2. Eat more vege
  3. Improve my financial management
  4. start to save more money
  5. Improve in my studies
  6. have good health
  7. quit being lazy
  8. Have a girlfriend??(hmmm..I wonder)
  9. Able to focus
  10. To pass all my exams and graduate
  11. Make a difference in everything
  12. BE A MAN!
  13. Improve my leadership
  14. Go for sports more often
  15. Improve my interactive skills
and the last one and of course


Well,that's for my new year's resolutions..XD

Till the next post and best wishes to all....


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