Sunday, October 11, 2009

a simple birthday post

wookay...this a simple birthday post to 2 of my course mates
from my course...
And they are..ah Loon from DEM2
and Zhi san from DEM3

last thursday..Zhi san and her groups of girls shared her birthday cake
with us
and we were supriced about it..and quickly we go to find her and wishes
happy birthday...
is it me or just the cake are to delicious
course rep(michelle)and I loves that cake very much
I heard that her birthday already pass few days ago
and they bought her a cake to celebrate with her together at lecture hall
by her group members
wanna to wish her all the best and a happy belated birthday
a artistic box for Zhi san's bithday cake
its tempting me...XD
Best wishes for all the members from DEM3 will be Ah loon's 18th birthday.
even though Im his class rep..but I dnt have any comment for him
but 1
less gaming n start to exercise.its for your health...

But still are the best...keep up ur good work whatever u working at
and stay healthy...
nothing importants than a healty body...

before I end this post...
there's a simple bithday wish for both of u...

Fresh air... fresh idea... fresh talent... fresh energy...
I wish u to have a...
special sunday.. marvellous monday... tasty tuesday
... wonderful wednesday... thankful thursday...
friendly friday... successful saturday...
*have a great week ahead* happy birth day

Till the next post



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