Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Three Lenses Every Photographer should have


The Three Lenses Every Photographer Should Own.

Photography is getting popular these days and people owns expensive cameras too.There's a lot of camera like DSLR and Mirrorless camera/system camera which is enable users to change lenses to capture the best pictures in a different situations etc. A lot of photographers wonder what lenses to buy when they are starting out. Here is some great advice on what lenses you will want when you are a beginner or even an old pro.

1. 18-50mm zoom lens This is the basic kit lens on your camera. If you have an aps-c camera this lens will be equivalent to a 24-70mm 35mm format lens. It zooms from fairly wide, which is good for landscapes to will also be able to zoom for closer shots. This lens is a great all around lens to keep on your camera when you don't know what you will be shooting.

2. 50mm f1.8 macro This lens will allow you to get close up shots with your camera. It will also allow you to create shallow depth of field because of the 1.8 f/stop. If you can't afford a f1.8, a f2.8 will be just fine. This lens is also great for portraits and for close-ups like flowers. The other nice thing about these lenses is that you can pick them up cheap on ebay.

3. 70-200mm telephoto This lens will allow you to get up close to your subject. It is great for animal shots and also is a good portrait lens. I also like taking photos of flowers with mine because you get very shallow depth of field. When looking for a telephoto lens try to find a fast one, f2.8 if possible. If you can't afford a fast one, at least try to find a f4 lens. Oh yeah, almost forgot that this is a great lens to shoot sports since it allow you to get close the the subject.

These lenses will give you versatility to shoot almost any situation you will come up against. They are also available with almost any camera system available. If you have any questions post a comment and I will answer them, Thanks!

Till the next post!

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