Today is Valentine's Day for the year 2012!I can guess that many couple will go out to have a romantic dinner,exchanging lovely present,and so much more to their love ones..
Its like a day where everyone will celebrate with their someone special.Like everybody else,the only thing that come through their mind about valentine's day will all bout love...yes love..all know as less-than-3...( <3)...hmm....yeah,moving on.... So what do you think of love? Love can be a lot of things,couple love,family love,friends love,pet love and so much more..or even for religious people,God's love ....
well speaking of love, the 1st thing that comes to our mind is this kind of love:
Yeap,everyone's favorite type of love.....the couple love you can't deny the fact mostly people are emo cos of this..
Alright, the love between couples and lovers. the Couple love.I think this kind of love is the most popular and the most beautiful kind of love we can see in this world, nothing beats the love between 2 lovers.Sharing sadness and happiness together and caring for each other from time to time to make sure they're doing just fine....and thats true love....trusting each other and always by each other side....
To reach the ones we truly love, to be by their side, we need to show how much we care through various that we have to make "Balloons".And what is the "balloon"???it is the Sacrifices, gifts, compromise, romantic gestures, words, a look are just some of the things we do for those we love.
We've all made "balloons" with our true-ness from our heart for someone we love to show them how much we're really want to be by their side.I've a lot of "Balloons"for the girl I love and I hope you did the same thing too,even if you're not least he or she receive you "balloons"...guys girls...dont give up on your love.....=)cos...1 day,he or she might sitting by your side,holding hands as your love...
well..thats love between couples and can also be,FAMILY LOVE...
Family love,the most important love in all that started it all. Since we are small, parents raise us up and love us. Although sometimes they can be frustrating, annoying, distracting and hateable, but its still love.without family love...our parents would had given up hope on us,but NO!!..they still work hard and sacrifice their time and money on us just to have a better life....boys and girls,doesnt matter if you're now an adult or busy with life,always remember your family,they are the 1 that will always love ya even the world turn against your family.....
and yeap,this is my lovely family.Loving them always...
and yeah! happens to offended 1 of them you will offended me at the same time...watching ya... Love and protect FAMILY FYEAH!
Love can also be Friendship Love too.The bond between friends,the love between friends... whenever we're in trouble or in need for a companion, we usually rely on our friends to help us out...when lonely, friends are the one who accompany us... when sad, friends are the one who counsel us...losses a friend are like loosing a Diamond....a good friend is the 1 who will accept whoever you are....and will support you.....
The love between Animals... animals also love each other just like lovers and couples do... sometimes animals even have their own family love too. Besides the love between animals, there is love between humans and animals too just like our pets... do you love your pets?yes I do~!!!!...and btw,STOP ANIMAL ABUSE!!!..Start loving them and not harming them!!!
Even those things that dont have any life also have love too. Although they dont have any heart or life in their body and not living creatures in this world, sometimes even things that have no life, you can also feel that there are love around them too. Just like those fairy tales we read before when we are kids... heard before the story of 'The Tin Soldier' before?
The love between a normal toy soldier that lost a leg with a beautiful doll princess... well in this pic, can you feel the love between those unlifely things?example....I love my Gundam collection and my mobile phones....even though they're old and just toys,but they meant so much to me.
For example,I used a lot of time and effort to build my gundams and my Phones been serving me for more than 4 years and helped me solved many probs...and feeling was built...=)
and as for those who are not as lucky as others and having problem with relationship....
Well sometimes in life,not much good ending could happend... when you saw someone that you love is more happier together with other person,yeah I know,that feeling is AWFUL and SUCKS!... but,for the sake of happiness... you can only walk away... because you love that person too much and just want that person to be happy, this is the best decision and yet the most painful decision you can make.
The ones we love tend to stay in our hearts and minds long after the relationship ends. While some move on quickly, others dwell and heal at a slower pace. Whatever the case, the thoughts, emotions and memories we experience during this time are heartwrenchingly powerful and real.
But although feel painful and bitter... as long as that person is happy, you will feel happy for that person too..cos love is beautiful...and Im sure we'll get "That girl" or "That Boy" sooner that we know...=)..
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